Floral’s for Winter? Groundbreaking…

Style | February 6

Floral’s for Winter? Groundbreaking…

This skirt is ultra-fun, bright and totally my style. I can see myself wearing this a lot in the spring/summer season and especially on my upcoming trip to Hawaii at the end of April! I’m thinking of branching out and doing a few travel posts. #holla

Normally, I wouldn’t wear a full out floral skirt in the winter. but when I saw this skirt on ASOS, I had to have it. Nothing winterizes a good floral skirt, like a chunky cable knit sweater, am I right?

To prevent the skirt from being too over the top (lol), I paired it with classic black and white pieces from my wardrobe. If you haven’t noticed I have been wearing these boots and bag a lot on the blog, because they go with everything! You can shop the items below.

Thank you to everyone who actually reads my blog! I noticed my last post, 6 Lifestyle Changes I Made in January to Better Myself, got a lot more views than some of my others so I plan to keep sharing more personal stuff with you all.



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photos by William Riquelme

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